mirithumb Waiteata Collection of New Zealand Music, Volume No. 8 
Released by Waiteata Music Press, 2005

This collection features the Yesaroun’ Duo’s world premiere recording of Miriama Young’s Snapdragon (2003) – written for Yesaroun’

Purchase the disc from Sounz

Learn more about Miri at here

Learn more about the Yesaroun’ Duo at www.yesaroun.com


Recorded June 2004
Princeton University’s Taplin Hall
Mary Roberts, engineer
produced by Yesaroun’ and Miriama Young
edited by Sam Solomon
mastered with Ryan Streber

The composers note:
“Snapdragon” was written for and premiered by the Yesaroun’ Duo with their fearsome exuberance and technical virtuosity in mind. The piece was composed during a time of media frenzy over America’s initial attack on Iraq. Snow was falling in Princeton, physically trapping me in a tall apartment, while my connection with the outside world at the time – the TV – projected sensational stories and graphic images of far away places in turmoil. Gradually, I had this sense of becoming numb, as weather and war preyed on a creeping awareness of my incapacity to act in any tangible way. So, the music that emerged has a certain physicality, borne of frustration and a sense of disenfranchisement: it is music rooted in the body, and composed for the body – dance-like, of heartbeat, breath, and sigh – a way to “voice” when I couldn’t speak.